142% CAPACITY!  Due to extreme overcrowding, we are offering FREE DOG ADOPTIONS through January 19th, 2025.

RED FLAG WARNING:  High wind event.  Secure fences and gates.  Bring pets indoors.  Visit www.VCemergency.com for updates.


Those living in active evacuation areas can bring animals to the following locations for safekeeping:

LIVESTOCK can go to the Ventura County Fairgrounds.  Call (805) 388-4341 to check Fairgrounds availability.   SMALL DOMESTIC ANIMALS can go to the Camarillo Shelter.

 IMPORTANT NOTICE:  We are experiencing intermittent issue with animals displaying properly on our website.  While we work to resolve this issue, please view our available animals at https://24petconnect.com/VNTRAdopt.  Thank you!

🌸 Shelter Beautification Project – Help our shelter bloom!  Visit www.vcas.us/Garden to view and donate soil, pots, mulch, etc.  Thank you!

🎄 SANTA PAWS are up!  Visit www.vcas.us/SantaPaws to download your holiday portraits!

TAP/CLICK HERE to make your END-OF-YEAR, tax-deductible donation, before 2025!

🎄 HOLIDAY HOURS: Closing early (3:00pm) Christmas Eve & New Year’s.  Closed on Christmas Day and Year’s Day.


108% Kennel Capacity

FREE DOG ADOPTIONS end Sunday, Nov. 3rd, 2024.


Life events, such as job loss, eviction, divorce or death, can result in a wonderful pet needing assistance or even a new home.  In an effort to help families keep their pets and stay out of the shelter system, we have developed this pet assistance page.  About 3 out of 5 pet parents are able to help their current situation by using the information found on this page.


BEHAVIOR ISSUES:  If your pet is displaying behavior issues, please email us at info@vcas.us so we can recommend resources and a local trainer.  Also, take a look at our Behavior & Training section for helpful information addressing a wide range of pet issues.  Many problems can also be improved by ensuring your pet is spayed or neutered. Please review the Assistance Checklist below for low-cost spay and neuter services.  If you didn’t socialize your dog as a puppy, it’s not too late to teach them manners.

DOMESTIC ISSUES:  Are you staying in an abusive relationship for fear of what may happen to your pet if you leave?  If so, please contact Ventura County’s Interface Program by dialing “211.”  After arrangements have been made with the Interface Program, VCAS can place your pet(s) in a secure and private temporary foster home if needed.

If you are a survivor of domestic violence and need immediate assistance, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233.

EVICTION:  If you are being evicted and are looking into housing that does not accept pets, you may have an option.  If you have a disability-related need for an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), the housing provider could have no choice but to allow an animal as a reasonable accommodation, unless the housing provider can show that an exception applies.  Carefully review the Emotional Support Animals and Fair Housing Law and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for further details.

HOUSING:  There are apartments, townhouses, and condos that accept pets; however they can be more expensive.  If money is an issue, some places may allow you to spread a pet deposit over multiple months.  You can also start a GoFundMe page to help crowdfund for this expense.  Further, check out Pet-Friendly Rentals in our county.  If you are unsure of your next housing situation, consider asking a friend, coworker, or family member to temporarily care for your pet.  That way, the animal can still be in your life until circumstances have improved.

NEW BABY:  Here are two (2) resources to help your baby and pet live together:  Introduce New Baby to your Dog, and Safety Tips for Kids and Dog.

NOT ENOUGH TIME:  Experts agree that dogs require a minimum of 15 minutes of one-on-one time with their owner each day to be happy.  Pets reduce personal stress, can add years to your life, and even decrease the amount of medication you take.  So, try to make the time for you and your dog.

PET FOOD:  If you require temporary pet food assistance, click here to learn about our Pet Pantry Program.

SERVICE MEMBER ASSISTANCE:  Contact Dogs on Deployment regarding the safe keeping of your pet while on active duty.

VETERINARY ASSISTANCE:  Low-cost vaccinations:  Humane Society of Ventura CountyMercy Crusade, local Petco stores, and Theresa’s Country Feed & Pet.  Click here for an expanded list of veterinary resources.  Low-cost spay or neuter services:  Humane Society of Ventura CountySimi Valley Non-Profit Spay & Neuter Clinic, and Spay & Neuter Animal Network.

Pet Pantry

Ventura County Animal Services cares about you and your pets.  If you are in need of supplemental and/or temporary pet food assistance during times of need, the VCAS Pet Pantry is available to you.  Food provided through this program has been donated by our Pet Pantry Partners as well as caring individuals and businesses in the community.  Visit the Camarillo Animal Shelter during normal business hours to ask about pet food at no cost.

Please note

  1. Because Pet Pantry food is donated, we cannot guarantee specific types and brands of food.
  2. Please ensure you feed the correct amount of food by referencing recommendations listed on the packaging.
  3. We suggest slowly introducing the new food over time as your pet may experience some digestive trouble as they adapt to their new food.  If temporary digestive issues do not subside, discontinue feeding the new food, and visit a veterinarian if needed.
  4. By accepting food from our Pet Pantry, you take full responsibility for any adverse effects which may come about due to the introduction of new food, and you agree, along with members of your household, family members, and friends, that Ventura County Animal Services, their officers, directors, member agents, employees, and volunteers shall not be held liable for any claims, liabilities, losses or damages.

Pet Pantry Partners

VCAS has partnered with caring local pet supply businesses to help keep our pet pantry stocked with critical food needed by those in our community.  These businesses are official pet food donation DROP-OFF sites where pet food donations can be made.

Rescue Groups

There are several non-profit transfer rescue groups who may be able to provide assistance including the transfer of ownership.  Below is a list of Animal Rescue Groups in Ventura County and surrounding counties.

Boarding Facilities

Veterinary Assistance Programs

Actors and Others for Animals
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: None.

Animal Health Foundation
Resources Offered: Financial Assistance Resources
Requirements: None.

Bow Wow Buddies Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: No preventative care, spays/neuters, dentals, chronic illness, or end of life care.

Brown Dog Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: None.

Canine Cancer Awareness
Resources Offered: Cancer Assistance & Resources
Requirements: None.

Diabetic Cats in Need
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Offers Glucose Testing Kit + Insulin.

Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance
Amysawy@fveap.com/ Josephplummer@fveap.com
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Cats Only.

Resources Offered: Cancer Assistance & Resources
Requirements: None.

For the Love of Alex
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Emergencies Only.

Frankie’s Friends
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Cancer Treatments Only.

Friends Vet Helping Pets
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: No routine/preventative care, no diagnostics. Proof of low income.

Go Get Funding
Resources Offered: Fundraising Platform
Requirements: None.

Grants For Seniors
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Pets 6+ years, pet must be on pet insurance.

Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Annual Income: < $20k/yr. for individual or < $40k/yr. for family.

Jameson Humane CAAP
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance, Food, Trainers, Spay/Neuters, Pet Rent Deposit
Requirements: Must apply for Care Credit to qualify.

Magic Bullet Fund
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Cancer Treatments Only.

My Pet Child
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Proof of financial hardship, pet must be spayed/neutered.

Oscar Newman
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Must have positive, long-term prognosis.

Paws 4 A Cure
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: No routine care.

Peanut Fund
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Non-basic, Non-urgent care.

Peninsula Cat Works
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Cats Only.

Pet Assistance Inc.
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: No Corporate Vets (Banfield, VCA).

Resources Offered: Fundraising Platform
Requirements: None.

Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: None

Red Rover Relief Program
Resources Offered: Temporary Boarding, Veterinary Assistance, National Assistance Programs
Requirements: None.

Sam Simon Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: None

Saving Gracie
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Pet must have life-threatening emergency.

Star Relief
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance & Temporary Boarding
Requirements: Routine care, emergency, & preventative care.

The Mosby Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Pet must be spayed/neutered.

The Murphee & Sugar Angel Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Pet must be spayed/neutered, must have veterinarian sign off.

The Onyx & Breezy Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: None.

The Pet Fund
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Non-basic, Non-urgent care.

Voice for the Animals Foundation
Resources Offered: Veterinary Assistance
Requirements: Southern California residents only.

Resources Offered: Fundraising Platform
Requirements: None.

Re-Homing TIPS (Checklist)

If, after all your efforts, your situation has not improved and you find yourself needing to re-home your pet, please follow these helpful suggestions. Please keep in mind that animals housed at the shelter can stay with us for weeks, months, and sometimes years, thus surrendering your pet to VCAS must be the final option when all other avenues have been explored.  Keeping animals in a home style setting should be a top priority.  

  1. Returning your pet:  Did you acquire your pet from a private breeder or animal rescue organization?  If so, you would have likely signed a contract stipulating that the pet can or should be returned to them if you can no longer keep them.  These groups are usually foster-based thus your pet would be in a home-style environment versus a kennel at a shelter.
  2. Make Your Pet More Adoptable:  Animals who are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and groomed have a better chance at finding a new home.  Continue reading for low-cost vaccination and spay and neuter resources.
  3. Interested Party:  When someone responds to your efforts, you have an opportunity to interview them.  Do an initial phone interview before meeting in person.  This way you can eliminate unsuitable potential adopters.
  4. Sample interview questions:
    • Past pet experience?  Evaluate their responsibility level.  Let them talk about past pet experiences as that can tell you a lot about how they would treat your animal.  If they had an animal, ask how old they lived and what was the cause of death.  Ask to see photos of their past pets.  Most animal-lovers will have photos to share.  They should also have a few photos of them with their pets to prove the pet they are referring to was theirs.
    • Who is the pet intended for? If not them, ask to speak with the potential owner.
    • If there is a yard, is it fenced?  Unfenced yards may encourage people to tether/chain dogs, a practice that is discouraged and has the potential to be dangerous.
    • Will this be an indoor pet, outdoor pet, or indoor pet with outdoor access?  Pets need human contact. If the pet will be outdoors, they must have access shelter, water, and human contact.
    • Will they walk the dog regularly or provide exercise?  Especially important for young dogs and/or apartment dwellers.  Dogs with yards don’t necessarily mean they get adequate exercise, so ensure they get regular walks.
    • What if the pet gets sick?  Ensure they would seek veterinary care.
    • Do they have children? If so, ask if smaller children will be supervised around them as young children don’t always know how to appropriately interact with animals.
    • Alone time for the pet during the day? Address loneliness and boredom.  Ensure they understand the potential destructive nature of animals left alone and the importance of having a plan to keep them occupied and secure when alone.
    • Own or rent?  Pet policies matter!  If they rent, they must be allowed to have pets.  Don’t accept, “Our landlord doesn’t care.”  Consequences range from returning the animal to you or the animal ending up at an animal shelter.
    • Will they allow a home visit?  If they are unwilling, we suggest immediately ruling them out.  If they are willing, bring 2-3 adults with you.
    • Would they consider declawing a cat?  We suggest immediately ruling them out as declawing is inhumane.
    • Indoor or outdoor cats? Indoor/outside don’t live as long as “indoor only cats”.  We strongly recommend all cats be indoor only as outdoor cats are vulnerable to disease, predation, traffic accidents, etc.  Cats who live indoors only can live up to twenty (20) years.
  5. In-Person Meeting:  USE CAUTION when you consider meeting potential adopters.  Meet in a public place like a coffee shop, police station, or fire station and do not bring your pet with you.  It’s a red flag if they refuse to meet in those locations.  You may ask for a re-homing fee to deter unscrupulous individuals.  You can always donate the re-homing fee to a local animal shelter if you’d like.
  6. The Hand-Off:  If you’ve found a suitable family, schedule a time and place to do the hand-off.  Again, this should be done in a public place like a coffee shop, police station, or fire station.  Bring their bed, blanket, toys, food, bowls, litter box and litter (if it’s a cat), medication and all paperwork including veterinary records.  Provide the contact information of their veterinarian so they can continue their care.  Lastly, go to the shelter to transfer ownership so the pet is now in their name.
  7. Follow-up.  Ask for ID and contact information so you can follow-up to see how things are going.  Provide any assistance over the phone but do not visit the pet.  Seeing the pet will confuse them.

Re-Homing Portal

VCAS has partnered with Adopt-a-Pet.com to improve our courtesy rehoming efforts.  In addition to being listed below, owners will now have the option to have their pet listed on multiple sites and receive expert advice from Adopt-a-Pet staff.  And with over 3 million potential adopters using Adopt-a-Pet each month, owned animals will find new homes faster while keeping them out of the shelter system.

Please avoid submitting animals from outside Ventura County.

Animals listed below are not available for adoption through Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS).  They are being responsibly re-homed by their owner.  Please tap/click the pet below to learn more and to contact their owner directly.  Thank you!

Disclaimer:  Please note that the information concerning animals listed here was provided by each animal’s owner(s).  No one from Ventura County Animal Services has met or evaluated any of these animals, nor have we confirmed the accuracy of the information we were provided for inclusion on this webpage.  As with all prospective animals, you should take reasonable steps to evaluate the suitability of a particular pet for your home and family.  VCAS hereby disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied (including without limitation any implied warranty of fitness, fitness for a particular purpose and/or merchantability) concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability of the information concerning any animal or the suitability for any particular circumstance of any animal listed here for rehoming.  Thank you.


Pets don’t come with instruction manuals.  Whether you’re a first-time pet owner or a seasoned pet parent, questions will arise.  Our dedicated Animal Care Team has provided resources to help address common behavior issues you may be experiencing;  from marking in the house to jumping on guests.  If you need more direct assistance, please email us at info@vcas.us.

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